Metamorphosis of time

Metamorphosis of time, One week - 7 days (2023, Panama)



In this series of abstract drawings, I aim to visually present the metamorphosis of time as experienced through the lens of Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophical ideas. Drawing upon Nancy’s thoughts on time, which emphasize its subjective and experiential nature, these artworks seek to evoke a deep contemplation of the temporal dimension.

Each drawing is an exploration of the fluidity and multiplicity of time, capturing its ever-changing and elusive nature. Through a meticulous arrangement of abstract forms, lines, and points, I depict the constant transformation and passage of time. The organic and dynamic composition of the drawings mirrors the inherent instability and non-linearity of temporal experience.

Embedded within the layers of ink marks and shapes, I integrate background thoughts influenced by Nancy’s philosophy. These thoughts serve as a conceptual backdrop, inviting viewers to engage with the subjective dimension of time and the intertwining of personal narratives and temporal perceptions. By combining the visual language of abstract art with Nancy’s ideas on time, the drawings aim to transcend the traditional boundaries of representation and invite viewers to contemplate their own temporal existence.

Through this series of abstract drawings, I aspire to create a space for introspection and reflection on the profound mystery of time. Each piece invites viewers to immerse themselves in the fluidity and fragility of temporal experience, to delve into their own unique understanding and perception of time. The fusion of abstract visual elements with the philosophical underpinnings of Nancy’s ideas aims to evoke a sense of wonder, curiosity, and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the metamorphosis of time within their own subjective realities.


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